Be a Part of Sustainability Management Institute Conferences

Be a Part of Sustainability Management Institute Conferences

SMP Certification Conferences are intensive 4-day onsite training sessions that provide instruction on Sustainability, Management, Leadership, Measures, and Reporting to support individual and organizational sustainability evolution. Each conference it taught by a minimum of 4 credentialed SMI instructors (all with industry experience and Doctorates focused on Environmental and Social Sustainability).

Additionally, this includes the SMI 300+ page Sustainability Management Professional textbook, a workbook, and reference materials to prepare you for the final exams. For your convenience, the exams are included in the 4-day sessions. SMP and SMPr program credentials come with receiving a passing grade on the exams. If necessary, SMI offers two post-exam coaching sessions to guide you toward re-exam success (two attempts).

SMP Certification Conference completion comes with 6.5 CEUs upon request.


Tampa, Florida Oct. 20-24 2024

Conference Placeholder

Florida SMP Certification Conference coming soon! SEE SPECIAL PROMOTIONS Contact us if needing assistance with timeline to pay while getting government/company approval! Special Promotions Fourth Participant Free (3 registered/paid same…

$1919 – $4265.00