Be a Part of Sustainability Management Institute Conferences

Be a Part of Sustainability Management Institute Conferences

SMP Certification Conferences are intensive 4-day onsite training sessions that provide instruction on Sustainability, Management, Leadership, Measures, and Reporting to support individual and organizational sustainability evolution. Each conference it taught by a minimum of 4 credentialed SMI instructors (all with industry experience and Doctorates focused on Environmental and Social Sustainability).

Additionally, this includes the SMI 300+ page Sustainability Management Professional textbook, a workbook, and reference materials to prepare you for the final exams. For your convenience, the exams are included in the 4-day sessions. SMP and SMPr program credentials come with receiving a passing grade on the exams. If necessary, SMI offers two post-exam coaching sessions to guide you toward re-exam success (two attempts).

SMP Certification Conference completion comes with 6.5 CEUs upon request.


Phoenix Apr. 21-24

Conference Placeholder

Phoenix is an exciting place to explore while obtaining your SMP Certification. From canyons, and the Apache trail, to hot air balloons and helicopter rides you can see as far…

$1919 – $4265.00